Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Beginning

Today was our official start of our journey in TTC! I guess our real beginning was last week at our first visit to our RE. Today however was our first thing on our to do list from our Dr. J went in for all of her bloodwork. They are also checking her liver panel to see if she can go back on Metformin. Hopefully she will be able to. Because of her PCOS, this medication helps to regulate her blood sugar. This will increase her chances at fertility. She also needs to lose weight. Because of the PCOS, losing weight is difficult. Fertility however improves significantly with weight loss. So, we are back to our low carb, lean protein, fruits and vegetable way of life. She is really committed and so am I. We are doing it together. We both need to lose weight anyway. We now have a wonderful goal in mind!

The next thing on our list is a counseling session by a counselor that our Dr. is sending us to. This is something he does with everyone. Just another hoop to jump through. Hopefully we can try to convince her that we are a normal, run of the mill, average lesbian couple! :)

We plan on doing the dye study test (HSG) in about 3 months. Going to give her some time to start the Metformin, lose some weight, maybe do some fertility acupuncture, and then do the HSG. Once we do that we will know if the tubes are all clear and we can start the inseminations!

We are excited! Even if today was just drawing blood. It is something. We have a plan. We have a goal. We are optimistic. We are ready to add to our family.


  1. Awesome plan!!! Although I did not know I had PCOS when we started our TTC journey, I did have endometriosis. Our first RE didn't run all the tests yours is. He ended up wasting a lot of our time & we ending up changing doctors after 8 IUI's and countless months trying to get rid of cysts after taking fertility meds.
    I'm not writing this to scare you, but to reassure you that you doctor sounds amazing & even if if is taking a few months to prepare for TTC it is well worth the effort & preparation. I had to take matters into my own hands & decide to live cleaner. Meaning a better diet of whole foods, no preservatives, no junk, I even cut out caffeine. I walked more, focused on positive energy & didn't let anyone discourage me. I was determined to get pregnant even if no one else took me seriously. Luckily the second RE we went to figured out my problems & got us pregnant with a couple months :)

  2. Hello There! Yes it is a small world and I am elated you commented so i could find this amazing blog! Ivey and I talk about TCC often, so experiencing your journey is wonderful. Good luck to you both!
